Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the search term you want to search for |
Specify the file groups in which you want to search. Any other file groups will be skipped. If you do not specify file groups, the search will be carried out within all file groups |
Enter the maximum number of results per page. This value then overwrites your default setting |
Enter the number of the page you want to load. Filer then takes the right page of your results into account |
Specify the sorting of the results. By default, the result is sorted by relevance |
Specify the sort order of the results. By default, the result is sorted in descending order |
Specify the specific fields that you want to get back. If you do not specify fields, all fields will be returned |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/Search/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "Search=Filer year:2025" \ -d "FileGroups[]=Example group" -d "FileGroups[]=Info Mailbox"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "Search" => "Filer year:2025", "FileGroups" => array( "Example group", "Info Mailbox" ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/Search/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe",
"Results": {
"Count": 2,
"Files": [
"CustomID": "5883739",
"Name": "example.xls",
"Server": "GOF001",
"Path": {
"Show": "Filer example directory",
"Real": "GOFSERV001\\directory"
"Author": "Filer",
"FileGroup": "Example group",
"Type": "FILE",
"Dimension": {
"Size": 28.9,
"Type": "kB"
"LastModified": "2025-03-29T09:54:21Z",
"Deleted": true,
"DeletedOn": "2025-03-29T10:04:21Z",
"Downloadable": true,
"Attachments": {
"Count": 1,
"Items": [
"Name": "2025.png",
"Downloadable": true,
"CreationDate": "2025-03-28T08:17:21Z"
"TagsFound": [
"Meta": {
"extra": "test file"
"Properties": null,
"Snippet": "example file created by <snip>Filer<\/snip> to demonstrate the API",
"Score": 5
"CustomID": "1603290513319",
"Name": "Re: Filer - 1743237261.eml",
"Path": [
"Author": "Filer info@filer.eu",
"FileGroup": "Info Mailbox",
"Type": "EMAIL",
"Dimension": {
"Size": 32.58,
"Type": "kB"
"LastModified": "2025-03-29T09:34:21Z",
"Deleted": false,
"DeletedOn": null,
"Downloadable": true,
"Attachments": {
"Count": 1,
"Items": [
"Name": "Filer.png",
"Downloadable": true,
"CreationDate": "2025-03-27T16:13:21Z"
"TagsFound": [],
"Meta": null,
"Properties": {
"Message-ID": "<09382507-2db942b6-1603285058-26379944339@mail.filer.eu>",
"Mailbox": "INBOX",
"Subject": "Re: Filer",
"From": {
"Name": "Filer",
"Address": "info@filer.eu"
"To": [
"Name": "Filer",
"Address": "info@filer.eu"
"CC": [],
"BCC": []
"Snippet": "example e-mail sent by <snip>Filer<\/snip> to demonstrate the API",
"Score": 5
"Pagination": null,
"ShownResults": {
"Min": 1,
"Max": 2
"Durations": {
"Searching": 0.1,
"Fetching": 0.4,
"Parsing": 0.15,
"Total": 0.65
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the file that you want to download |
Specify the unique ID of the file you want to download. The file can also be downloaded via the file location |
Specify the file group in which you want to download the file |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Download/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_NbVhMn5eX8WuotQaob5gktfy9tC0NI7ktdPFOUsvcMnQDDy1o2gWvLT2Ff3ax8Joli29Ds2nEpCR2AToC7L5So8fR9GPHXB1" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.xls" \ -d "FileGroup=Example group"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_NbVhMn5eX8WuotQaob5gktfy9tC0NI7ktdPFOUsvcMnQDDy1o2gWvLT2Ff3ax8Joli29Ds2nEpCR2AToC7L5So8fR9GPHXB1", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FileGroup" => "Example group" ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Download/", CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_TxXsGZGBLZX5ihM0X3q5T6OXPEG0k0yBvT3B2HMMprPXZlX4mN9DTVlrjzrRzncuGe3HvNbkF0FmlmoW8yjZRUQBTHaQ4BIJ",
"File": {
"LastModified": "2025-03-29T09:54:21Z",
"Dimension": {
"Size": 5884,
"Type": "B"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the main file for which you want to download attachments |
Specify the unique ID of the main file for which you want to download attachments. The main file can also be specified via the file location |
Specify the file group in which you want to download the attachments |
Specify the names of the attachments you want to download |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Download/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_NbVhMn5eX8WuotQaob5gktfy9tC0NI7ktdPFOUsvcMnQDDy1o2gWvLT2Ff3ax8Joli29Ds2nEpCR2AToC7L5So8fR9GPHXB1" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.pdf" \ -d "FileGroup=Example group" \ -d "AttachmentNames[]=Image001.png" \ -d "AttachmentNames[]=Image002.png"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_NbVhMn5eX8WuotQaob5gktfy9tC0NI7ktdPFOUsvcMnQDDy1o2gWvLT2Ff3ax8Joli29Ds2nEpCR2AToC7L5So8fR9GPHXB1", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.pdf", "FileGroup" ="Example group", "AttachmentNames" => array( "Image001.png", "Image002.png" ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Download/", CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_TxXsGZGBLZX5ihM0X3q5T6OXPEG0k0yBvT3B2HMMprPXZlX4mN9DTVlrjzrRzncuGe3HvNbkF0FmlmoW8yjZRUQBTHaQ4BIJ",
"Attachments": {
"Image001.png": {
"Dimension": {
"Size": 1621,
"Type": "B"
"Image002.png": {
"Dimension": {
"Size": 6327,
"Type": "B"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the file whose contents you want to retrieve |
Specify the unique ID of the file whose contents you want to retrieve. The content of the file can also be retrieved via the file location |
Specify the file group for the file whose contents you want to retrieve |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Content/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.xls" \ -d "FileGroup=Example group" \
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FileGroup" => "Example group", ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Content/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "PUT", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe",
"Content": "This is the content for the file processed by Filer"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the file that you want to add to the queue |
Specify the file group in which you want to place the file. Possibly other file groups where the file could fall under will be skipped. If you do not specify a file group, the file will be added to all file groups with a matching file folder within the specified handshake |
Specify the priority for the file. A higher priority gives the file a priority over files with a lower priority |
Enter a unique ID to identify the file later on |
Specify up to 100,000 characters to add to the content of the file |
Specify additional data with the file. Filer then ensures that this metadata is presented when requesting the file |
Specify tags with the file so that files can be found even faster and better. A tag must consist of one word without spaces of up to 30 characters long. All tags together can not contain more than 100,000 characters |
curl -X POST -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Add/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.xls" \ -d "FileGroup=Example group" \ -d "CustomID=5883739" \ -d "ExtraContent=Filer is awesome" \ -d "Meta={\"wordcount\": 577382, \"extra\": \"example file\"}" \ -d "Tags[]=Tag1" \ -d "Tags[]=Tag2" \ -d "Tags[]=Tag3"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FileGroup" => "Example group", "CustomID" => "5883739", "ExtraContent" => "Filer is awesome", "Meta" => "{\"wordcount\": 577382, \"extra\": \"example file\"}", "Tags" => array( "Tag1", "Tag2", "Tag3", ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Add/", CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the file whose ExtraContent, Metadata and/or Tags you want to change |
Specify the unique ID of the file whose ExtraContent, Metadata and/or Tags you want to change. The file can also be changed via the file location |
Specify file group in which you want to change the file. Possibly other file groups where the file could fall under will be skipped. If you do not specify a file group, the file will be changed in all file groups with a matching file folder within the specified handshake |
Specify up to 100,000 characters to add to the content of the file |
Specify additional data with the file. Filer then ensures that this metadata is presented when requesting the file |
Specify tags with the file so that files can be found even faster and better. A tag must consist of one word without spaces of up to 30 characters long. All tags together can not contain more than 100,000 characters |
curl -X PUT -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Change/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.xls" \ -d "FileGroup=Example group" \ -d "CustomID=5883739" \ -d "ExtraContent=Filer is even more awesome" \ -d "Meta={\"wordcount\": 577382, \"extra\": \"example file which has been changed\"}" \ -d "Tags[]=Tag1_changed" \ -d "Tags[]=Tag2_changed" \ -d "Tags[]=Tag3_changed"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FileGroup" => "Example group", "CustomID" => "5883739", "ExtraContent" => "Filer is even more awesome", "Meta" => "{\"wordcount\": 577382, \"extra\": \"example file which has been changed\"}", "Tags" => array( "Tag1_changed", "Tag2_changed", "Tag3_changed", ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Change/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "PUT", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the file that you want to rename |
Specify the unique ID of the file you want to rename. The file can also be renamed via the file location |
Specify the new file location of the file |
Specify the file group in which you want to rename the file. Any other file groups that include the file will also be skipped. If you do not specify a file group, the file will be renamed within all the file groups that this file is part of |
curl -X PUT -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Rename/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.xls" \ -d "FilePathNew=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example_new.xls" \ -d "FileGroup=Example group"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FilePathNew" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example_new.xls", "FileGroup" => "Example group" ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Rename/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "PUT", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_TxXsGZGBLZX5ihM0X3q5T6OXPEG0k0yBvT3B2HMMprPXZlX4mN9DTVlrjzrRzncuGe3HvNbkF0FmlmoW8yjZRUQBTHaQ4BIJ"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the file you want to delete. The file can also be deleted via the unique ID |
Specify the unique ID of the file you want to delete. The file can also be deleted via the file location |
Specify the file group in which you want to delete the file. Any other file groups that include the file will also be skipped. If you do not specify a file group, the file will be deleted within all the file groups that this file is part of |
Specify whether the file should be deleted immediately, regardless of your backup settings within the file group |
curl -X DELETE -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Delete/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.xls" \ -d "FileGroup=Example group"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FileGroup" => "Example group" ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Delete/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "DELETE", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_TxXsGZGBLZX5ihM0X3q5T6OXPEG0k0yBvT3B2HMMprPXZlX4mN9DTVlrjzrRzncuGe3HvNbkF0FmlmoW8yjZRUQBTHaQ4BIJ"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file location of the file you want to retrieve |
Specify the unique ID of the file you want to retrieve. The file can also be retrieved via the file location |
Specify the file groups in which you want to retrieve the files. Possibly other file groups where the file could fall under will be skipped. If you do not specify file groups, the files will be requested within all file groups with a matching file folder |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/File/Information/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FilePath=\\GOFSERV001\directory\example.xls" \ -d "FileGroups[]=Example group"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FileGroups" => array( "Example group" ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/Information/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe",
"Information": [
"CustomID": "5883739",
"Server": "GOF001",
"FileGroup": "Example group",
"Type": "FILE",
"Author": "Filer",
"LastModified": "2025-03-28T11:10:21Z",
"Deleted": true,
"DeletedOn": "2025-03-29T10:04:21Z",
"AddedBy": "Syncer",
"UpdatedOn": "2025-03-29T07:06:21Z",
"Processed": 1,
"ProcessedOn": "2025-03-29T07:07:21Z",
"InDictionary": 1,
"AddedToDictionaryOn": "2025-03-29T07:08:21Z",
"InAPIQueue": 0,
"Downloadable": 1,
"Attachments": {
"Count": 1,
"Items": [
"Name": "2025.png",
"Downloadable": true,
"CreationDate": "2025-03-28T08:17:21Z"
"Dimension": {
"Size": 126.47,
"Type": "kB"
"WordCount": {
"Total": 25783,
"Unique": 3364
"AverageWordLength": 11,
"ContentLength": 265564,
"ExtraContent": "Filer is awesome",
"Meta": "{\"extra\":\"example file\"}",
"Tags": [
"Properties": null
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the file group in which you want to retrieve the modified files. Any other file groups where files have been modified will be skipped. If you do not specify a file group, the changes within all file groups will be requested |
Specify within which minutes-window you want to retrieve the modified files |
Specify from which start time you want to retrieve the files. The files from the start time to the end of the minutes window will then be retrieved |
Specify how many modified files you want to retrieve |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/File/List/Changes/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FileGroups[]=Example group" \ -d "TimeOffset=2025-03-29T07:06:21Z" -d "MinuteWindow=1440" \ -d "Limit=1"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FilePath" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls", "FileGroups" => array( "Example group" ), "TimeOffset" => "2025-03-29T07:06:21Z", "MinuteWindow" => 1440, "Limit" => 1 ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/File/List/Changes/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe",
"Files": [
"CustomID": "5883739",
"FileGroup": "Example group",
"FilePath": "\\\\GOFSERV001\\directory\\example.xls",
"LastModified": "2025-03-28T11:10:21Z",
"UpdatedOn": "2025-03-29T07:40:21Z"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the folder from which you want to retrieve it's information |
Specify the file groups within which the information should be retrieved. Any other file groups will be skipped. If you do not specify file groups, the contents of all file groups will be retrieved |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/Directory/Information/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "Directory=\\GOFSERV001\subdirectory" \ -d "FileGroups[]=Example group" \
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "Directory" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\subdirectory", "FileGroups" => array( "Example group" ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/Directory/Information/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe",
"Directories": {
"Example group": [
"Type": "Automatically",
"Synchronization": {
"Started": "2025-03-29T10:03:58Z",
"Completed": "2025-03-29T10:06:21Z",
"Duration": 143,
"Next": "2025-03-29T11:36:21Z",
"Requested": 0
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the folder from which you want to retrieve the direct content |
Specify the file groups within which the synchronization must be requested. Any other file groups will be skipped. If you do not enter any file groups, the synchronization of all file groups will be requested |
curl -X PUT -G https://api.filer.eu/Directory/Synchronize/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "Directory=\\GOFSERV001\subdirectory" \ -d "FileGroups[]=Example group" \
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "Directory" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\subdirectory", "FileGroups" => array( "Example group" ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/Directory/Synchronize/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "PUT", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe"
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter your handshake to authenticate your request. See how you request a handshake |
Specify the folder from which you want to retrieve the direct content |
Specify the file groups within which the content should be retrieved. Any other file groups will be skipped. If you do not specify file groups, the contents of all file groups will be retrieved |
Specify whether deleted files should be returned. By default, deleted files are not returned |
curl -X GET -G https://api.filer.eu/Directory/List/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "Handshake=API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "Directory=\\GOFSERV001\subdirectory" \ -d "FileGroups[]=Example group" \
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "Handshake" => "API_To01HLJgEsMQr1RVM547Ud2EwXKoBUIdGGcYcvCooYCdYc8shAz9lzNhUfUe7mFO0ruck4PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "Directory" => "\\\\GOFSERV001\\subdirectory", "FileGroups" => array( "Example group" ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/Directory/List/?".http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe",
"Subdirectories": {
"Example group": [
"Files": {
"Example group": [
Enter your clientnumber to authenticate your request |
Enter the hash of your SecretKey to authenticate your request. Create hash |
Specify the file groups in which the handshake may be used. File groups that are not specified will be excluded automatically |
curl -X POST -G https://api.filer.eu/Handshake/Initialize/ \ -d "CustomerID=2434" \ -d "SecretKey=PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5" \ -d "FileGroups[]=Example group"
$curl = curl_init(); $params = array( "CustomerID" => 2434, "SecretKey" => "PWbb97DFzuQy3BvOrQ2J295HV5", "FileGroups" => array( "Example group" ) ); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($params), CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.filer.eu/Handshake/Initialize/", CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, ) ); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl);
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_XZnY1Mc1dYYaSzbCDFPYKR2U66Hk3PZbwN7xhkwKGUsiRSsehFAzeDUkJlSM82x2N3z4nvN1OFjphZSOmcMQpq86bbRhdMj0"
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe"
"Status": "Success",
"Handshake": "API_xrM1aPojZSonl6qyBMXR8MSlYS7E7xy2oJ4Mgs5FIs14yr07DXYKty3PQBdV8aXutbHZSMmkCnmAemHqJnAAlDZ9MBeSlCNe",
"Warnings": [
"Warning": "...",
"Code": 0
"Warning": "...",
"Code": 0
"Warning": "...",
"Code": 0
General warning |
The file with the specified unique id is forced to be removed |
The indicated file could not be found in the specified file group |
The indicated file could not be found |
The indicated file group not be found |
The indicated unique id was already in use. The file will be updated |
The indicated unique id was already in the queue |
The indicated file location was already processed. The file will be updated |
The specified file location was already processed at the number of locations that are indicated. The file will be updated |
The indicated file has been updated in the queue |
The indicated installation is currently not processing via the API. The file is not added to the queue |
The file group already exists. The settings of the file group are updated |
The file group doesn't exist |
No file could be found to rename within the specified file group |
No file could be found to rename |
The indicated sorting is not one of the options for sorting. The results shown are sorted by relevance |
The indicated sorting order is not one of the options. The results shown are sorted in descending order |
The specified limit does not meet the specified minimum limit. The minimum limit has been applied |
The specified limit does not meet the specified maximum limit. The maximum limit has been applied |
The indicated field is not known and can not be returned |
The requested page has no results to show |
The specified file group is not allowed for this request because this file group is set to be processed through the API |
The file location corresponds to the specified service within the specified filegroup, but the processing method of the service is not set to API |
"Status": "Error",
"Error": "...",
"Code": 0
General error |
You have invoked the REST-based API with a wrong method. Use the indicated method to connect to the API for this request |
A handshake is required for the request, which has not been provided |
A filepath is required for the request, which has not been provided |
The specified filepath is invalid |
The maximum length of the CustomID has been exceeded |
The maximum length of ExtraContent has been exceeded |
The specified Meta data must be a valid JSON object |
The indicated tag consists of several words. A tag must consist of one word without spaces of up to 30 characters long |
The maximum length of the Tags has been exceeded |
The file group Filer_ALL is not allowed for this specific request |
The specified file group couldn't be found |
The specified unique ID is already in use by another file in the specified file group |
The specified unique ID is already in use by another file |
There is a problem with the database, try again |
A name for the file group is required for the request, which has not been provided |
Multiple directories to process are required for the request, which has not been provided |
For the request it is mandatory to indicate whether files should be copied |
For the request it is mandatory to indicate whether deleted files should be retained |
For the request it is mandatory to indicate how long deleted files should be retained |
For the request it is mandatory to indicate whether the directories in the file group have to be resynchronized |
For the request it is mandatory to specify the name of the installation to which the file group should be linked |
At least one folder for processing must be specified for the request |
The number of specified folders to process does not match the folders to show |
The specified folder is not a sub-folder of the folder to be processed |
The specified folder is not a sub-folder of the folders to be processed |
The specified folder is not a sub-folder of the folders to be processed |
The file can not be renamed to the current file name |
The handshake Filer_ALL can only be used when the handshake has been initialized with Filer_ALL |
The request must specify either the file location or the unique ID |
The specified file couldn't be found |
A directory is required for the request, which has not been provided |
The specified directory is invalid |
The specified directory couldn't be found |
The SecretKey is required for the request, which has not been provided |
The specified SecretKey is invalid |
The specified account is blocked |
To request a handshake, at least one file group must be specified within which actions may be carried out with the requested handshake |
The method used for the request is unknown |
File groups are required for the request, which haven't been provided |
No matching file groups could be found for your request |
There are no active file groups. Make sure there is at least one active file group |
A file group is required for the request, which has not been provided |
No downloadable file could be found for your request |
Multiple downloadable files were found for your request |
The requested file is a website file and therefore may not be downloaded |
Could not save the download of the file to the statistics. The download has been canceled |
There is no download available for the requested file |
No file could be found for your request |
Downloading files is not allowed |
A search query is required for the request, which has not been provided |
Specify at least one of the indicated fields as fields to get back |
Too many results were found for your search. Enter a more accurate search term |
There are too many possibilities found for the indicated word |
There are too many possibilities found for the indicated search query |
The indicated file group is not part of your handshake |
Within the specified file group no matching folder could be found where the specified file is part of |
Within the specified file group no matching folder could be found where the file is part of |
Several possibilities were found where the unique ID could be assigned. Make sure that there is only one option when using a unique identifier |
The specified amount is outside the allowed range |
The specified file group is disabled and can not be used |
All file groups are inactive |
The specified file group is not linked to an installation |
The attachment names are required for the request, which have not been provided |
The indicated tag consists of more than 30 characters. The maximum length of a tag is 30 characters and cannot contain spaces |
Too many handshake-requests have been sent in a short time. Limit the number of requests or optimize API-usage by using handshakes from success responses |